Simcenter Femap & Nastran

Recently resolved errors in NX Nastran 12.0

January 25, 2018

A number of issues in previous versions of NX Nastran have been resolved in NX Nastran 12.0. As a service to our customers, we are cataloguing those here for our customers to review.


Issues include:

  • RMS von Mises stress
  • Models with contact and inertia relief
  • RIGID=LAGRAN with Groundcheck
  • Incorrect SPC Forces for bolts
  • Pressure loads with NX Nastran SOL 601, 106
  • SOL 111 frequency response with MFLUID and VMOPT=0
  • Fluid virtual mass and NX Nastran MFLUID
  • Buckling results for ILP platform, NX Nastran SOL 105
  • OLOAD resultant table, NX Nastran SOL 153
  • MPC forces with RIGID=LAGRAN

RMS von Mises stress may be incorrect

Affected Software: NXN 9.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 8953029
Description: The RMS von Mises stress results from a random solution were incorrect if the STRESS output request used the magnitude/phase option i.e. STRESS(PLOT, PHASE)=n.
Workaround: Use the REAL/IMAG STRESS output request
Fixed Version:  NXN12.0.

NX Nastran gives incorrect results for models with contact and inertia relief

Affected Software: NXN 9.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 6971532
Description: In SOL 101, results of inertia relief with INREL=-1 are incorrect for models with contact definition because the inertia forces calculated by the inertia relief algorithm were being ignored.
Workaround: This DMAP fix can be found using your Siemens PLM webkey at SFB-NX_NASTRAN-8001468
Fixed Version: NXN12.0.


Affected Software: NXN 5.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 8004008
Description: In SOL 101, NX Nastran GROUNDCHECK fails when the degrees of freedom associated with RIGID=LAGRAN are AUTOSPC’ed. Depending on the value of the parameter LMSTAT, the following message may be generated in the f06 output file:



Reducing the default value of the LMSTAT parameter will avoid the elimination of the LaGrange degrees of freedom and the above message in the f06 output file.
Resolution: Additional enhancements were made to enable passing of GROUNDCHECK in the presence of RIGID=LAGRAN option.
Workaround: See the above comments on the LMSTAT parameter. For more please visit Siemens PLM with your webkey at SFB-NX_NASTRAN-8001467
Fixed version: This problem has been fixed in NXN12.0.

NX Nastran may give incorrect SPC Forces for bolts modeled with beam elements

Affected Software: NXN 7.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 1923676
Description:  In a SOL 101, a model in which a beam bolt definition is used in the second or higher subcases, and one of the bolt element grids is constrained, the analysis will produce incorrect SPCFORCE results.
Workaround: None
Fixed Version: The problem has been fixed in NXN12.0.

NX Nastran SOL 601, 106 may incorrectly ignore pressure loads

Affected Software: NXN 11.1 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 8966347
Description: In SOL 601,106 of NX Nastran, distributed pressure loads are incorrectly  ignored when the analysis includes multiple thermal loads, each having its own time varying function. If the multiple thermal loads refer to the same time varying function, or only one thermal load is defined, then the results are correct.
Workaround: None
Fixed Verison: This problem has been fixed in NXN12.0.

Incorrect SOL 111 frequency response with MFLUID and VMOPT=0

Affected Software: NXN 11.0 – 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 8921661
Description: Running MFLUID with SOL 111 and VMOPT = 0 did not account for the mass of the fluid for the mode calculation and led to incorrect frequency response results.
Workaround: Use VMOPT= 1 or 2
Fixed Version: This problem has been fixed in NXN 12.0.

Fluid virtual mass does not work for NX Nastran MFLUID

Affected Software: NXN 10.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 8980524
Description: The effect of virtual mass (invoked with MFLUID input) was not accounted for correctly when PARAM,VMOPT,0 or PARAM,VMOPT,1. It is fixed in 12.0.
Workaround: Use PARAM,VMOPT,2.
Fixed version: NXN 12.0.

NX Nastran SOL 105 may give incorrect buckling results for ILP platform

Affected Software: NXN 4.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 8939180
Description: In SOL 105 of NX Nastran, for models that include thermal loads and CTETRA elements with more than one integration point, buckling results of ILP platform can be different from that of LP platform. Results of LP platform are correct. The problem was that temperature interpolation and therefore differential stiffness was not computed correctly on the ILP platform.
Workaround: Use LP build instead of the ILP build.
Fixed Version: This problem has been fixed in NXN12.0.

NX Nastran SOL 153 gives incorrect OLOAD resultant table

Affected Software: NXN 1.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 7711075
Description: In SOL 153, OLOAD resultant table in steady state heat transfer is computed incorrectly, if nodal coordinate system is used to specify an SLOAD.
Workaround: Not specifying the nodal coordinate system along with SLOAD gives correct results.
Fixed Version: This problem has been fixed in NXN12.0.

NX Nastran reports incorrect MPC forces with RIGID=LAGRAN

Affected Software: NXN 7.0 to NXN 11.2
Associated PR Number(s): 8902533
Description: In SOL 101, when RIGID=LAGRAN is used with multiple subcases, and in addition MPC force output is requested, the MPC forces are incorrectly reported for all but the first subcase. This error does not affect other results.
Resolution: An error in the MPC force calculation routine for RIGID=LAGRAN has been fixed in the NXN12.0 release.
Workaround: None
Fixed Version: This problem has been fixed in NXN 12.0.


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