
Creo integration changes required by JT translator version 13.0

May 12, 2017

Affected Software: Teamcenter Integration for Creo


Version 13.0 of the JT Translator for Creo introduces a change which requires manual adjustments to the Teamcenter Integration for Creo’s configuration files.  The +externalPDM command line option is replaced by a new “MULTICAD” structureOption.

This SFB does not apply to customers who remain on version 12.2, or earlier versions.


On each client and/or module server where CreoToJT translation is performed, the following files in the pejt subdirectory must be edited:

– pejtproetojt.bat:
Edit this file and remove +externalPDM from line #9:

– pejtproetojtplmxml.config
Edit this file and change the structureOption on line #4 from “FULL_SHATTER”

These changes will become out-of-the-box in integration version 11.5, at which point customers will be required to use translator version 13.0 or higher.

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