
NX CAD: Foundation Training

Duration: 5 Days 
Location: Portland, Oregon

This Siemens NX for Design training course introduces the basic and intermediate level uses of modeling, assemblies, drafting, sheet metal applications, and even introduces Synchronous modeling techniques.

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This NX CAD Training Class is based on real-world use, and features tasks designers and engineers face in their day-to-day work. Instructor-led portions are interspersed with project-style application use. After attending this class you should be able to roll up your sleeves and start designing in NX.

Prerequisite: Prior understanding and experience with the fundamentals of solid modeling and drafting. You have used another 3D parametric CAD package before (Pro/E, I-deas, Catia, Solidworks, etc). This could be a good upgrade class if you are working in 2 or more releases behind the current release of NX.

Expand your knowledge with expert training

Reach out to the team at Applied CAx to learn about our training options and devise a plan to support your team.